augustus’ Freunde
- 25 Jahre
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 3
i am a writer who just started writing her first novel which might not be good but my fingers are crossed, i also love reading and i could use all the tips i can get for my book thank you so much
Heather Fledderus (geordiriker)
- 29 Jahre
- Englisch
- 9 Bücher
- 164
Born and raised on a family-operated dairy farm in Southern Ontario, Heather reads and writes during whatever spare moments she can catch. Being fifth out of six kids, she enjoys playing pick-up soccer with the rest of the fam. when she's not feeding cities or writing, Heather enjoys tracking down any newborn... mehr lesen
- 30 Jahre
- Englisch
i am a bookworm who spends most of the time being lost into books. i believe in the power of the words of a book that can change the minds and thoughts of many. reading is not just a hobby but simply it defines me
Kelly Baker
- Englisch
- 8 Bücher
- 2
I am a daydreamer and a romantic at heart. I am a lover of music, books, photography, animals and the wonders of nature. I am a country girl at heart, free-spirited and hard to capture. I am mistaken as a quiet and shy person to those who don't know me, but close friends and family know better than to mistake me... mehr lesen
Rosie Dreamlove
- Deutsch
- 2 Bücher
- 40
"Die Indie-Erfolgsautorin aus England hat bereits unter vielen Pseudonymen erfolgreiche Romantasy-Sagas veröffentlicht, aber mit ihrem neuen, kostenlosen Ebook geht die Britin nun einen entscheidenden Schritt weiter, mit einer Liebesgeschichte zwischen Verzweiflung und Hoffnung, Gewalt und Frieden, Liebe und... mehr lesen