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hi My name is.Monica ,
nice to meet you please

contact me here i have something to Share

with you or you can give me your
mail to contact you please

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Hi, How do I enter Writing with a Twist contest please? Cannot see an y way to SUBMIT

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Hi, I was in hospital a week ago and Bookrix has all changed. Please, where have they put the INBOX now? Thanks. ps I have a new poem entered. Please have a look at it. thanks.

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Sorry for the delay on replying back to you.
Just wanted to let you know I fixed the problem
concerning my book for public viewing.

So if it's not to late and your still a little
interested in reading my book, I couldn't be more happy:D

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Thanks. I do belong to a couple of groups. Not sure about the reading list so will check it oujt.

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Hi again, thanks for reading my works and thanks for your comments. i too am the same as I have lots of reading on my Kindle as well. I have a problem. I do not know how to post on these forums and how to link any of my works! Not computer lirerate really and I have looked but nothing kind of grabs me, Oh I did try something once but have no means of finding out if that was what I had tio do. Maybe because I CANNOT SEE WELL... mehr anzeigen

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Hello, Nice to become friends with you. I hope you will be able to read some of my work. I thin k I tried your book but may hav e been too small for me to read with comfort as I am blind in one eye. Do please write a note about yourself.
PS I live in England.

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Had a good time today watching old movies with the kids. Not ashamed to admit, that I spent my Saturday writing and reading, if it were nice enough to go to the park, I could have thrown that in and it would have been a perfect day.

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Thanks a TON for the star! Keep checking on the book if you want to find out what happens next because I write new stuff on an almost daily basis! Feedback is wanted!!!! Don't be afraid to tell me if a part sucks! Hope you enjoy! :)

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