animeterra ist offline.
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hey could you do me a favor and read my book, its only the first two chapter but it would be great if you could read it and tell me what you think

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thanks jess hey is every thing going ok down there u dont hav to answer jf u dont want to i just miss u is all

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thats to bad i bet u have a lot of great books and storys that many people would love to read. But if u want to keep them to your self thats cool to. Thats what i do with most of my poems i write. Well i hope to read somethin
g of yours one day.

Wichtiger Beitrag

your nice :) but i do not make my books public forgive me i come here to read but ive written 3 books and keep them to myself its nothing against anyone its just me ^_^ but thanks terra

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Brandon m.s your funny I'm really into that kind of stuff I'm really glade you aceppted my friend request I'm looking forword to reading your books.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Sure i wouldnt mind being your friend :) and yes kakashi has been named my second character :) i took a test and actually tested as the pery sage :D

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