anime.princess’ Freunde

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H.Y Nept

H.Y Nept

  • Englisch
  • 4 Bücher
  • 35

I live to write; maybe one day I can write to live. Knowledge is power, read, read, read!!

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.

- P.B Shelley

“I am fundamentally an optimist.... mehr lesen



  • Englisch

I write because I love to play with language - WH Auden



kaela haynes

  • 28 Jahre
  • Englisch

i love to write poems and books and when im not doing that im reading love storys.



Mary Claire Garcia

  • 27 Jahre
  • Englisch
  • 10 Bücher
  • 135

Besides reading and writing stories, I have also taken up watercolor painting as a hobby. I suck in sports and I also have an asthma which I hope would go away when I get older. I tend to talk to myself always since I don't have siblings to talk to at home. I have always wanted to be a writer but I can only take... mehr lesen

Adam Lewis LaValley

Adam Lewis LaValley

  • 6 Bücher
  • 81

Hello! I'm Adam. I've been writing since I was 13 (23 now!), and writing is an integral part of my life. I love animation, and studying the histories of the U.S. and Japan. I work with a host of artists to create my stories / characters, many being good friends of mine.I have a Bachelor's degree in Business... mehr lesen



  • 24 Jahre
  • Englisch

I do not care about your physical, gender, sexual,religious, social, national, or political orientation.My opinion will be based only on how you present yourself and treat others.




  • Englisch
  • 8 Bücher
  • 195

The Author's Eyes May Be Blind  !!IMPORTANT NOTE TO READ!! If you wish for your book or set of poems to be reviewed, please post your requests on my pinboard.   Please note : For books, I will read the first chapter alone, unless I am compelled to read more or if I have the time. For poems, I will read the first... mehr lesen



  • Englisch

Oh boy I haven't been on here in forever so this thing really needs to be updated. Let's see, I graduated high school and I'm finishing up my second year of College. I'm a Marine Biology major. My forte is fantasy writing, but I'm trying to change into just basic fiction.

  • Englisch
  • 17 Bücher
  • 256

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