angermanagement1017s Freunde
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 43
Just a book nerd searching for other book nerds' creations.
- 1 Buch
- 49
║▌│█│║▌║││█║▌│║▌║ ORIGINAL DAMON FAN ®
´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (!¸.•´ (¸.• VAMPIRE DIARIES***♥
♥Who needs Edward Cullen if you can have Damon Salvatore?!♥
(__/) ( ' - ' ) (*) (*) Das ist Sweety. Sie liebt Twilight über alles! Wenn du auch Twilight über... mehr lesen
Melody Dupree
- 28 Jahre
- 16 Bücher
- 404
I love to read and write. I can often be found in the corner or in a room all by myself either reading a book that has captivated my attention or writing some new story or poem that I absolutely could not remove from my head.
Jatana Williams
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 656
I love laughing and enjoying life. Drama is only for the books I read & write & reality TV!
- Englisch
- 8 Bücher
- 45
My name is Merlin and one of the things that I wanted to accomplish is to write stories that not only reflect life at it's best and worst, but I wanted to write stories that everyone would be able to relate to in some way. I've found that the greatest books that I've ever read, I was able to find pieces of myself... mehr lesen
Kagelynn j-inez Isom
- Englisch
- 5 Bücher
- 22
I found my one true love Jeffrey Levi and we have had a little beautiful baby girl Nessa Alexandria born on October 27th 2017 I have always been a loner so it's nice to finally get my words out there and help you guys love enjoy them