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Hey pls, pls,pls edit 'who am i?' pls i beg you ;P

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That's one of my goals. I'll try to do it over the weekend. Thanks for reading hun

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"Wait For It" is my novel that tells the life story of Christopher Strong. Choosing to stay among the unacknowledged is exactly how he pictured his life to stay. But Chris has witness one to many instances of cruel torture. His static sense of life is crumbling around him. He does not know it or want it, but this is a good thing. His life is finally actually starting. He simply has to make it through alive, never give up and... mehr anzeigen

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Hi! I know I hvane't updating for so long.. I'm really sorry! I'm really really really. Because I'm preparing for my International Bachelors Diploma in music soon and I really really need to study. Everythings been such a tight fit and you know, reality is more important. I started writing because I love it and I jsut od it in my free time. Now that I literally have no time. I'm afraid I have to put it on hold for now. I'm... mehr anzeigen

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Hi I read Your Book and I thought it was great.
Let me know when you next update it
Thanks Louise

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hi this is gallina----
I was wondering if you get a chance please read a bit of " a bride at the prince's command" and let me know what you think!
thank you


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