Alle-Marie M.s Favoriten

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Radiography of love
Alle-Marie M. Radiography of love
  • Lyrik und Poesie
  • Rumänisch
  • 1662 Wörter
  • Ab 12 Jahren
  • 6327
  • 10

O radiografie este înregistrarea amănuntelor pe care ochiul nu le poate percepe la prima vedere. Dar ce e radiografia unei iubirii?...Un bine cunoscut poet francez a pus urmatoarea intrebare: ‘’Cum putem cunoaste sufletul unui om prin ce gandeste,spune sau prin ce viseaza... ?‘’

Stichwörter: Alexandra Mocanu, love, poetry, romanian author, iubire, poezie, scriitori romani, poet, Alle-Marie M, vise, radiografia sufletului, Radiography of love, Alexandra-Maria Mocanu


The Chosen One
Secret.Z The Chosen One
  • Fantasy
  • Englisch
  • 8677 Wörter
  • Ab 12 Jahren
  • 1119
  • 13

Linzy was just a normal girl before she know who is she really are. She adopted parents has been kill by Demons and she has been take to ZARIOUS the magical world that will change her life forever and she will know the true story about her past and her real parents that has... mehr lesen


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