Skye Janes Favoriten
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Random quotes and story's
- Lyrik und Poesie
- Englisch
- 613 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 677
- 4
just a silly book full of different things here and there for readers to enjoy, like silly stories and poems and sayings to bring to light some thoughts.
Stichwörter: colors, spaces, imagination, pages
book 1
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- Englisch
- 4089 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 962
- 18
In a perfect utopia, there are no thoughts of war, no jealousy, stealing, violence, dark colors, or sharp objects. There is perfect peace. this worlds creator is seemingly perfect too. with an exception of his family. There is a hidden disgrace amongst his unfathomable... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: courtney, wall, future, war, light, dark, adventure, fiction, fantasy, beyond the wall, beyond
- Abenteuer
- Englisch
- 4868 Wörter
- Ab 0 Jahren
- 548
- 9
The Mcleod clan's Princess, Si'leas has been taken hostage by their long hated enemies the MacAlisters.
The enemy are racking her for information leading to the clan's stockhold, where they keep their money for the food they get in return for buying their treatied friends... mehr lesen
Stichwörter: Scottland, Mcleod, war, secrets, freindship
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