aaron00700s Freunde
- Englisch
- 2 Bücher
- 41
Well Im realli not 22 im actually 14 and I put that date thinking I could change it, opps i guess not. I hope they dont read this and then delete me b'c I have a reali good book on here. Its called "The Inseparable Love" Its the first book I have ever written XD i like it. And by the way, My name is Shyenne and I... mehr lesen
- Englisch
abt me?....hmmm..i m just a simple, benevolent and innocent little gal carrying da same fantasy dreamz which every gals usually dreamz of....
P.G Fox
Pauline Pichon (Jap ich bin eine schneckenfressende Französin xD )
- 33 Jahre
- Deutsch
- 6 Bücher
- 7023
Erstmal möchte ich meinen ganzen Fanclub danken für die vielen Sternchen die ihr mir imma gibt!
Hier könnt ihr sehen was ich 2010 so gemacht habe ....also wenn das nicht persönlich ist weiß ich auch nicht
- Englisch
- 6 Bücher
- 18
I am very strict when it comes to bullying. If I even see a stranger being bullied I will stick up for them. People say I should be a football player because I am built broad, but it runs in my family. All of us females are built broad. I swear I am more broad then my puny uncles. But my point is if you like... mehr lesen