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Great to see you back again, Boom, and thanks for the stars on "Harry Potter and the Sisters Black". I bet you'll love that one. Cheers!

2 Kommentare

Looking forward to it and thanks


Well as it comes to no surprise to you av I did actually enjoy the Harry Potter and the sisters black very good story with alot of explicit fun thrown in while I'm not at all opposed to the use of magic I'd of preferred some more realistic approch but be over all I was still... mehr anzeigen

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Been away working alot but did get in some reading here are the reviews red sword by Kevin diep ..not bad read was really getting into it but has left me hanging waiting on the next part to come out. Halo the return of the alpha...really good story but like most leaves you wanting more. Caferine young embraced...hard to get into and very short but lots of potential for a great story.
I enjoy reading and listening to all the... mehr anzeigen

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Ok so i havent updated in awhile. ive finnished several dozens of small short storys. they were decent but not long enought to review on, but one was. It was called life?? book 1 and 2 it was very well written it had me chuckling in a few spots and wondering what would happen next in others. Id like to see longer version of it as both together was just enought to really get me going and then it was over. So if theres any long... mehr anzeigen

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Thank you so much!

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Just read deep secrets geat story. It kept you you wanting more. I found once i started i could not stop. Alot of mystery it kept you off guard til the end loved it

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Gelöschter User

Thanks for the heart on my novels. I hope you en joy listening to them and would welcome comments on them. Enjoy.

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Finnished billy g's family and my sister jane. i was bit hesatant at first,. Regarding the subject but after listening to it on my voice reader i have to say it was very well written. Not at all like most erotic writing ive read. It really pulls you into his life. I was very... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User

You are certainly welcome, Boom. It's my pleasure to find others that like my writing or offerings. Thank you for adding a few more to your favorites.

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I use @ voice reader and i have downloaded many books. I listen to the books while working. So if i cant download your books then it may take me awhile to get to them. i have trouble reading books on my phone. My eyes are not that great any more. Old age suxz! But i do enjoy listening to the many i have downloaded. The first chance i get i do leave comments for the authors. I have come across many talented writers on this... mehr anzeigen

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A.J. col... i have not forgotten about you. I've been on the run alot being short staffed at work. I usually dont take this long getting to books. I use a voice reader most the time so i can listen to the stories while i work. It makes my job much more enjoyable. I cant dowload your books and im sorry it has taken me so long to get to them. I'll have to wait til i can read them on my laptop. That is when i can find some free... mehr anzeigen

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What to say well im new to this sight im bad at spelling and grammar. Im a hermit of sorts just dont care for ppl that much and an avid reader weather its the written word or audio iv always got a book or story with me to read or listen to escape from reality as for what types of books i like it ranges all over but i mainly like fantacy and erotic fantacy types i dont care much for short stories i really love long noves... mehr anzeigen

2 Kommentare

Welcome! You'll definitely find lots to read here. And thank you for adding those other of my books to your Favorites. I really appreciate that and am looking forward to any feedback or comments you might give.

Good to have you here!


Thank you i look forward to reading them

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