15 Kommentare
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Nein, das ist pure Lyrik, lese doch mal mein poembook ,, Melancholy of a Beat Poet" ist zweisprachig; deutsch und englisch.......................

with lovely regards


hier der link zu meinem progressiven poembook:

... mehr anzeigen

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The second comment to my Poembook ` Melancholie of a Beat Poet` for
specialy english guests of my Profil, this comment was written by Michaela Schmiedel; I write you the Links to Michaela Schmiedel Profil and to my Bilingual Poembook:

the comment after she read my Poembook:... mehr anzeigen

Michaela Schmiedel – BookRix Community Profil https://www.bookrix.de/-pm13b8e68d4bbd5/ BookRix Profil von Michaela Schmiedel - Erfahre mehr über Michaela Schmiedel: Lieblingsbücher, Freunde usw. Werde Teil unserer Buch Community und trete in Kontakt mit Michaela Schmiedel.
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thanks my dear,

with heartly regards and wishes for whole life happines and freedom......


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THATS right , he has realized himself and gained emptiness against all illusions, Mara is always an illusion that emanates from individual people, many people; each in his own personal way!

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