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Sharelas bakes - my favorite German recipes Von: Sharela Koch
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Hi everyone!

My brandnew baking book just got published and I am looking forward to your opinion about it. I really appreciate some recommendations and good ratings at the bookstores. The book presents my favorite German cakes and cookies and I have tested and baked all recipes myself several times.

Enjoy baking and tasting! ;-)

Sharela bakes von Sharela Koch - eBook Download - Buch kaufen This book presents delicious German recipes with easy step-by-step instructions for traditional and modern favorites. From A like Apfelkuchen to Z like Zwetschgendatschi - There is the right recipe for every taste! PLUS: All recipes include information on baking temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius.   About the author: It is no secret that the popular Christian author and blogger Sharela Koch really has a sweet tooth. In this book she shares her favorite home-made cakes and sweets with you.
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