Wide Awake Book 1 Of Disperse

In The Dawn Of Dusk Von:
User: skylar997
Wide Awake Book 1 Of Disperse
In the dawn of dusk, there's a girl named Emory Disperse.A brunet with bright ember eyes. She is no ordinary girl, well at least when she is asleep. She is just the beginning, but the end is near. For she has mystical powers that only she knows of, only she can choose to tell you about it. Her power is not known among every village, or every town. Her power is much more than that, something that we all need but never notice. This power is so strong it can take away all our creativity, our intelligence and whereabouts. You don't know what this power is, not yet. This is the story of Emory Disperse, specifically known as Em or Emory . This is her journey of how she finds her true self. Her whole race depends on her going on this journey through finding herself, her memories, and her potential future. All of these facts depend on her finding this strange mystical power. Question is, what is the power?

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