In a Warm Coat of Snow

In a Warm Coat of Snow
Poetic prose about God's beautiful season...Winter.
I've also included an additional selection of poetry that I've written during the last five years.

Beiträge und Kommentare
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words are powerfull!

God bless!

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Wichtiger Beitrag

A very touching beautiful lines. Thanks for it. Greetings from the Switzerland Drachenkind

Wichtiger Beitrag

Your diversity as a writer really shines in every nook and cranny of this site Tyrone. Your BOWs entries...your "Family" contest entries...("Protect my Family", very action packed thriller, and "Mama I'm Home", had me rolling in laughter:)...all of your writing is purely enjoyable.
Good going. Just stopped by to read and say Hi...'Hi'...:)

Wichtiger Beitrag

A thought-provoking book. You are a talented writer. I liked your wording and your tribute to GOD. Your knowledge of theology and holy books enriches your soul...Thnx for sharing. VOTED.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I have re-read your book and i still contend that it does deserve the vote that I previously have given it./joeparente

1 Kommentar

Thanks Joe!!

God bless,

Wichtiger Beitrag
Dela Bobobee

I have always regarded Vince to be more of a novelist than a poet. I was wrong. This new book has shown just another thrilling aspect of his versatility as a writer. The title, "Warm Coat of Snow" in itself is yet another example of transposal of imagery. "Eyes that Hear, and Ears that See". But come to think of it even in both the literal
and literary cognition; - of course, snows can be warming,if not then why do foxes hide... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

Good morning Dela,

Thank you for your review of my work. I have published 2 books of poetry, "Under the Melting Pot" and "Poetry E=motion" and poetry is my first passion when it comes to literature.
When I write my stories, the poetry exists but in a different form. It may exist... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you! I stopped by your site this AM and read the prologue that you posted. Mario is waiting to tell his story and I am waiting to hear it!!

God bless,


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