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What a bunch of party hacks. They didn't look through the bank records and
call this an investigation? Ask a bunch of sympathetic sycophants some
questions that avoid the issue and ignore the finances and communications of
the dark figures... sure, no evidence of collusion.
I hope Republicans know how stupid their Party leaders think they are.
Video: https://moxox.com
Music: https://muxiv.com
AV: http://yofuk.com
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Hello. ︀How ︀are ︀you? ︀I ︀need ︀a ︀friend, ︀open ︀link ︀>>>>> http://︀d︀a︀t︀e︀4︀f︀u︀q︀.︀c︀o︀m︀?︀i︀d︀ao5d837745a1735_1401540002.8101379871