Charlottesville, VA
Why do we need the Oscars? It's just another dream machine prop that makes
money because it gets us all hyped up for about a week. Who can even remember
the Oscar winners from last year? Until the machinery of Hollywood is broken
down into smaller pieces, it will just be more of the same. Yes, men will stop
the piggish language, stop answering the door in their open bathrobes and
perhaps they will put a feminist... mehr anzeigen
Charlottesville, VA
Why do we need the Oscars? It's just another dream machine prop that makes
money because it gets us all hyped up for about a week. Who can even remember
the Oscar winners from last year? Until the machinery of Hollywood is broken
down into smaller pieces, it will just be more of the same. Yes, men will stop
the piggish language, stop answering the door in their open bathrobes and
perhaps they will put a feminist gloss on some of their movies, but the bottom
line is that money talks, men have all the money, and, sadly, the women who do
get to the top of this pyramid start acting like the men. In the #metoo
movement, we shoudn't forget about the enablers, who, in droves, bought into
men's rightful ownership of female bodies. There's just too much money in
Hollywood, too many ways of appearing to change without actually changing. I
don't watch the Oscars, I don't watch the Golden Globes or any other self-
congratulatory awards ceremony. It's just buying into the business, not the
art. Why do you need an award for doing your job well? Why do you need to
broadcast it to the whole world? It's really sort of nauseating.
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