Kristy's Rainy Day Picnic

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Kristy's Rainy Day Picnic
Harriet Mann Miller (1831–1918) was a naturalist, ornithologist and children's writer. Harriet was the eldest of four children born to Seth Mann and Mary (Holbrook) in Auburn, New York. She became an author who sometimes wrote under the pseudonym Olive Thorne Miller. In addition to writing on birds and their behavior, she contributed to the journal of the Audubon Society. In 1854 she married Watts Todd Miller, and the couple would have four children. Between 1858 and 1869 she gave up writing in order to raise her kids. In 1880 she became an avid bird watcher.

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I love this guy!

I'd grab that little fucker and shake her violently. Then sell her to my friend Jeremy Epstein. John Posestda will pay top dollar too


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