Modern slavery a reality

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Modern slavery a reality

No skin color is superior over the other. All shades of colours are beautiful. Remember, the Almighty doesn’t tolerate arrogance and racism nor slavery . It’s a sin. A huge sin! He is only concerned with the state of your heart and your level of piety. Keep your focus on the right things. ‬You don’t know what it’s like to be them. You will never know. And so, judge less and make excuses for them, more. What comes easily to you might be the hardest thing to accomplish for them. And it’s not even about doing. It’s about thinking, behaving, learning, understanding. Everyone does it differently. Everyone deserves recognition for their struggles and to be looked at beyond their shortcomings and weaknesses.The way you think and Percieve life to be is the way you are but same time educate and train your heart to search for good in others sothat you don't burden yout mindset,be unique personally, privately,publically,and proffesionally aim at being right always  and empathetic,Show respect even to people who don't deserve it; not as a reflection of their character, but as a reflection of yours.

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