English A+

HSC (English 1st and 2nd) Von:
English A+

First of all, I am giving thanks in front of the Most Merciful Almighty. There is no substitute for a good GPA in HSC if you want to move forward in the current era of success. But at HSC we do badly in English. I have not been able to read English since childhood. After reading the same tick for so many years, the students have to go to the private tutor for HSC for English. I wrote the book ‘English A +’ to get rid of all these problems. There is a video class created by me which is taken on Nahid24 YouTube channel so that you don't have to read any problem while reading the book. If a student takes the book in hand and conducts all the YouTube classes regularly then he / she will not need any other private tutor. In HSC English 1st and 2nd paper questions come from certain topics but students cannot finish even half of it at the end of the year by reading a very thick book. But if someone reads only the necessary topics well for 2 months, then he will be able to get good results in English. If any student can finish this book completely, I hope he will get A + in English 1st and 2nd 2 subjects InshaAllah. This book is completely different from other books. There is nothing less important in the book. So nothing should be left out. Each topic is given a writing technique and some important examples. By mastering the techniques and practicing the examples, one can overcome the weakness of HSC English in a short time. If he can master the book well then he will succeed in HSC exam InshaAllah. I think my hard work and effort will be successful only if the students benefit from reading this book. Since no book other than the Qur'an alone is perfect, and man is not above error, so reluctantly, if there is any mistake in the book, you will look at it with forgiveness.

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