The Witch's Hunt

The Witch's Hunt
In a time of magic, women of all ages are chosen by Demons to be hosts for their supernatural powers at the price of a human soul.

To use this power and preserve their immortality these Witches feed from a soul of a different kind. Like fuel for their supernatural gifts, the soul of a Wizard youth is beyond compare.

For this reason the young Wizard Trávn is being hunted.

Can his Chosen save him?

Beiträge und Kommentare
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Gelöschter User

Wow! You have an amazing author's voice. I love your writing style and description, and the story has grabbed my interest. I am about one third through the chapter, and I will be returning for more. Please keep me updated!

There were a few typos spread throughout the piece, but nothing that a good comb-through can't fix. Good work so far!

3 Kommentare

Thanks so much for reading~!! :) If you would like to help with the proof-reading of this story, please follow the link below.


The Witch's Hunt Author’s Note: Dear Readers, I provided this link for any who wished to help me proof-read my work. To do so, please select whatever part you would like and comment. I appreciate any help you are able to give~ ♥ Best Regards, -Misty All around him the large evergreen trees swayed. Their branc...
Gelöschter User

No problem :)

I might do a quick proof-read when I have time.


Appreciate it~!!


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