Marple And The Marble

Senior Sleuth Saves The Day Von:
Marple And The Marble

When Scotland Yard fails to solve the apparent strangulation of a young woman, Miss Marple is brought in. She uses her keen skills to uncover the truth.

Beiträge und Kommentare
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Robynn, I cherish your wonderful comments on my writing skills. I do my level best. Lol! Thanks!

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Review - You are growing by leaps and bounds as a writer. This really was impressive. Unfortunately I also had to play detective, as page 6 is a repeat of page 4 about three paragraphs down. But page 7 gave me enough clues to piece together, sort of, what was going on!

I believe the 'formatting ghost' of BookRix has visited you! LOL

Either way, what was in order was done quite well. I remember reading your first work and... mehr anzeigen

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