Wichtiger Beitrag
Chincha Plain-weave cloths
Von: Lila M. O'Neale, E. Bacon, C. W. Gemmer, R. V. Hall, et. al
The study presented here was one of a series planned by Professor Lila
- O'Neale, Associate Curator of Textiles in the Museum of
Anthropology. The fundamental idea was to make use of the wealth of
material in the collections of the Museum of Anthropology,
particularly its pre-Columbian Peruvian textiles, as source material
for study and analysis by advanced students. Professor O'Neale's
sudden death on February 2, 1948, means that, although the paper was
completed and in the hands of the Board of Editors of Anthropological
Records, the final proofreading has not been done by Professor
Author: Lila M. O'Neale
E. Bacon
C. W. Gemmer
R. V. Hall
I. W. Johnson
C. M. Osborne
M. B. Ross
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