A Killer on the Prowl

User: lazarus67
A Killer on the Prowl
A prowler is out once more to satisfy his insatiable urge to kill.

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I inherited two kitties recently, so I can relate...now if my dog just doesn't eat them :)

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Why should the cat proudly place the rodent at Sally’s feet? Does it means that Sally’s family eats rodents for dinner?

Check this line- “I needed (to) execute a lovely flying leap…”

Gets my vote.

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Glynis Rankin

Came over to vote for this lovely story, that again caught me by surprise.
I Love your work, sir.
Thank you.

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Great story. A few typos and grammatical errors, but the story was good with an unexpected ending. Enjoyable!

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How did you get the cat to write this story? They normally ignore what mere humans want them to do! Good descriptive story Laz.

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Great story! Love the descriptions and of course, the ending.

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As always a lovely story. The anticipation to see the poor victim pass by, the pain for a lost life and then to read the ending. Well done :).

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I was not expecting the ending. It made me chuckle. You are an awesome writer. :)

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Thanks...don't know why I did that.

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A satisfying read.
More paragraph breaks, methinks.

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