
A story of a 14-year girl who undergoes a life changing event Von:

Ana, a 14 year old girl, goes through a life changing event. The devastating nightmare seems to consume her whole life. Read to find out what happens!!!

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Cancer, teen, mom
Beiträge und Kommentare
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it's_me_dont hate=)

lol,its not very good guys, sorr i tried, but its my first one so......(:/)

1 Kommentar
Dragola The Mystic

Cool- U know that in the editor you've put this book as for sale- don't know if U meant to, just thought I'd say. Cool book though.

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Kein Miniaturbild Entfernen qnfa839d76f0c65_1455487991.3177700043 978-3-7396-3797-6 Bitte wähle einen Grund aus Bitte gib die Stelle im Buch an. de de_DE