The Killer At The Library

User: kimmyj79
The Killer At The Library
Why do people choose to kill? There really is not no easy answer to that question though many have tried to break it...
Come in and see what happens to with the two woman at night in a library. Someone is in there fixing the lights does he have something to do with their murder? Were they murdered?

Beiträge und Kommentare
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Gelöschter User

Don't like the way it ended! It seems like the killer was charged for killing the Librarian and her friend, but it's not really clear, They must have gone back in time to relive the murders again, is this a recurring nightmare for those women? Not a satisfying read, too many unanswered questions.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

So was it all a dream? Interesting. She was researching the case, so knew the intimate details. She could be having a nightmare. Otherwise...

Oh my, quite an ending. You really leave it up to the reader, don't you? I loved it.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

A really tense and nerve jangling climax, Kimmy. Very well wrote, kept me wondering what was happening all the way.

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