The Perambulations of a Bee and a Butterfly
In which are delineated those smaller traits of character which escape the observation of larger spectators Von: Elizabeth Sandham
A Bee who had passed the first winter of his life under the fostering
care of his mother, though often warned by her of mistaking a fine day
early in the spring for the summer, or the time in which it would be
of any use to make an excursion from the hive, was eager to begin his
travels; he heard his companions talking of the flights they had taken
in the former summer,
care of his mother, though often warned by her of mistaking a fine day
early in the spring for the summer, or the time in which it would be
of any use to make an excursion from the hive, was eager to begin his
travels; he heard his companions talking of the flights they had taken
in the former summer,
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