
Nature's Fury Von:
For the first time in Calie's life everything was perfect. Amazing children, A loving man, An Amazing job, which she enjoyed. Being a Highly respected Medical Microbiologist, Calie is always being asked to look into new Viruses.

Will a newly discovered Virus change everything and threaten humanity and all life on earth?

Creating a cure for the virus is critical before it wipes out the planet, but will the goverment's intereference in her research cause her to fail?

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Gelöschter User vor ca. 5 Jahren

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Gelöschter User vor ca. 6 Jahren

Pittsburgh, PA

Our Enfant-Tyrant sure has a fixation with BIG numbers: $10,00000 for each NDA
violation; $20,00000 in damages against Stormy Daniels... Little children love
to place zeros behind numbers.


2 Kommentare
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Gelöschter User vor ca. 5 Jahren

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Wichtiger Beitrag
judycolella vor ca. 11 Jahren

This has great potential! Wow! I really like your characters and the way you develop them and their relationships.

I only see three things that are easily repaired with some deep edits: you tend to capitalize some words that don't call for it, but neglect to capitalize others that do. No biggie, really, and a quick fix. Another is a tendency to employ run-on sentences. You have a lot of those, and they either are the result of... mehr anzeigen

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