The Image of God in Man

Implications for our relationships Von:
The Image of God in Man

This is a study in how we are made in the image of God, and how that affects our interaction with one another. Since we are made in the image of God, the way we respond and treat other people is a reflection on how we relate to God.

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image of God, man, blasphemy, slander
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

You have written a very interesting and well put together book.

I believe everyone in the Desire to Inspire Group should take the time to read this book.

I know we all have our differences, but I think that it is good to branch out so to speak and research as much as we can. This is the only way we will learn more about the Word of God and others around us.

I will be reading more of your work. :)

1 Kommentar
Daniel Mark Bryant

Thank you. I appreciate your inspiring words. I haven't been writing much lately, been working too much!
Be blessed.

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