The Science of Karma (German)

The Science of Karma (German)

Over the course of life, many people become puzzled by circumstances beyond their control – both their own and those of others. While investigating the principle of karma, one may still be left asking, “Why do bad things happen to good people?”

In the book “The Science of Karma”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan explains a precise definition of karma, and how exactly it works according to spiritual science.

Dadashri offers in-depth answers to questions such as: “What is the law of karma, and how can I master it?”, “What is destiny, and does destiny relate to karma?”,  “Can spiritual enlightenment liberate one from karma?”

Dadashri explains that the knowledge of Self is the beginning of true spiritual development. From then, along with understanding the law of karma, one learns to remain with inner peace in daily problems of life.

For those wondering how to live in peace in the midst of life’s challenges, this book is precious.

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Haslett, MI

So, what do all these people who still admire and support Trump tell their own
children about the importance of always telling the truth? Do they accept or
even laugh about being lied to by their own children? Or by their spouses? Why
would anybody have different standards in such an important area of morality?


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