Science Of Speech

Science Of Speech

Those seeking to lead a spiritual life may naturally become inspired to live in peace and non violence. To learn spiritual practices to develop these values, one may turn to spiritual teachers, and to variety of religion.

But beginning to cultivate spiritual awareness is not always as simple as it seems – especially in family / unhealthy relationships, or while dealing with difficult people. Daily interactions such as these may feel like the very definition of conflict!

In the book “Spirituality in Speech”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan offers key understanding about non violent communication, along with conflict resolution skills and conflict management strategies. His spiritual teaching on how to resolve conflict - or to avoid it altogether - is offered in the context of common and everyday relationship challenges.

Whether wondering how to become more spiritual, or simply how to deal with negative people and difficult people, this book will prove invaluable.

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Boca Raton, Florida

Of course Putin is elected for a fourth term, it was a ""slam dunk"".

Russia has a parliament and Putin's party, United Russia controsl it. Any
opposition is stifled, to include freedom of the press and elections are

Yes, a ""slam dunk""


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