Lines of Love

User: wells12
Lines of Love
A short collection of poems dedicated to love. The first seven written for my husband. The rest written for friends and family for special occasions.

Poetry, Love, Romance
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This was a beautiful collection of poems. I enjoyed each and everyone. To me it takes a special talent to write free verse poetry and you have mastered it perfectly. This is a touching collection of lines of love.

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◔_◔ ︀↪ ︀➭ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?wells12_1338768672.1344850063

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I enjoyed your poetry as well, but I have to admit my face turns red at some of the more personal stuff! lol! My favorite is Limitless, I really enjoyed that and can think of two friends in my life who I feel that closely tied to and your poem nails those unbreakable bonds down with well placed words. Great work!

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Young Love was my favorite.

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Wow. This special poetry book is beautiful. I love each poem in a different way. They all touch the heart and mind.

The ones that are unique to me are: Fulfill, Love Song, New Love, Limitless, Life's a Dance, Perfection and True Love.

You are an exceptional romantic poet!

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I read of lot of poetry on Bookrix, so was not expecting much, but you surprised me.

First off, your presentation was gorgeous. I loved the background paper which sets up your poetry beautifully.

Life's A Dance is one of my favorites...I would love to read that to my daughter, if only she could find a man to love and marry! The poems you wrote to your husband brought tears to my eyes with their sincerity, intimacy and perfect... mehr anzeigen

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Life's a Dance was my favorite. I love how all the poems had a very personal feel since you explained how they were dedicated to specific people. The flow of "Life's a Dance" did indeed remind me of a dance and I thought the repetition of the first two lines as the last two lines :)

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