Hinduism And Buddhism, Volume Ii. (Of 3) (fiscle Part- 11) An Historical Sketch

User: silviya
Hinduism And Buddhism, Volume Ii. (Of 3) (fiscle Part- 11) An Historical Sketch

Main Features Of The Mahayana

The Obscurest Period In the History Of Buddhism Is That Which Follows
The Reign Of Asoka, But The Enquirer Cannot Grope For Long In these
Dark Ages Without Stumbling upon The Word Mahayana. This Is The Name
Given To A Movement Which In its Various Phases May Be Regarded as A
Philosophical School, A Sect And A Church, And Though It Is Not Always
Easy To Define Its Relationship To Other Schools And Sects It
Certainly Became A Prominent Aspect Of Buddhism In india About The
Beginning of Our Era Besides Achieving enduring triumphs In the Far

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