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Plzzz. ︀Write ︀me! ︀I ︀m ︀waiting ︀for ︀you, ︀open ︀link ︀>>>>> http://︀n︀ᵃ︀ᵏ︀e︀d︀%2D︀ᵍ︀ᴵ︀ᴿ︀l︀ˢ︀%2e︀ᴼ︀n︀ᴸ︀i︀n︀ᴱ/c%2ftrack%2fl%2f︀bookrix︀%2f︀_ebook-bkbarnes197-prove-them-right
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Sorry I had not seen this before. It is definitely a great teaser. I certainly hope you expand on this wonderful start for a story. Let us know if you decide to write more...I will definitely come back.
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It's a good and it makes me want to know about Jared, where his love for space will take him. I enjoyed this snippet. :) Serena
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You need to write more on this! It's such a great start! I wanna know where Jared is going, what he's going to survive, and most of all...whether he has green hair like Moss! :)
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Plzzz. ︀Write ︀me! ︀I ︀m ︀waiting ︀for ︀you, ︀open ︀link ︀>>>>> http://︀n︀ᵃ︀ᵏ︀e︀d︀%2D︀ᵍ︀ᴵ︀ᴿ︀l︀ˢ︀%2e︀ᴼ︀n︀ᴸ︀i︀n︀ᴱ/c%2ftrack%2fl%2f︀bookrix︀%2f︀bkbarnes197_1311529065.8702669144