A detailed beginner’s guide on how to care, feed, train, groom, health, house kunekune pigs and guidelines to raising th Von: Andrew BlakeKunekune pigs may not be as popular as pot-bellied pigs, but more and more people are getting them for pets. Like the pot-bellied pig, kunekune are small domestic pigs. But unlike pot-bellies, they have long hair and are originally from New Zealand.
Pronounced " cooney cooney” and translated to "fat and round," these pigs are very similar to pet pot-bellied pigs. Some argue they are even easier to care for than their less hairy relatives.
Kunekunes are odorless, quiet, and safe for children. This keeps the neighbors happy, and both kids and adults love to visit.
So many persons love the idea of keeping them as pets but they have no idea on how to go about it. The questions many are asking are how do I care, feed, groom, housing, breeding, vaccination and tips to know in order to raise big and healthy pigs with ease.
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