JuJuBean803s Gruppen

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Hood Love

Hood Love

  • 64 Mitglieder
  • 25 Beiträge
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For those that love urban fiction, or just looking at life from a different point of view and different perspective. All books are welcomed if they about expressing yourself and what you are about. You have to be true to yourself to be true to your writing..come see how are passionate about their hood because that'... mehr lesen

Letzter Beitrag: 8. Oktober 2019, 18:58

Urban Fiction

Urban Fiction

  • 79 Mitglieder
  • 26 Beiträge
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Urban Fiction : is a literary genre set, as the name implies, in a city landscape, however, the genre is as much defined by the socio- economic realities and culture of it's characters as an urban setting. The tone for urban fiction is usually dark, focusing on the underside of the city living. Profanity, sex, ... mehr lesen

Letzter Beitrag: 2. Dezember 2016, 13:21

The Reading List

The Reading List

  • 1.228 Mitglieder
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Advertise Here! Wanted – New or old books, poems, contest entries, and readers looking for new material. Do you have a blog or author webpage you would like to advertise? Join us here at the Reading List where all promotion, suggestions or inquiries are welcome.

Letzter Beitrag: 21. Januar 2021, 16:08

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