sunnieb2010s Freunde
- Englisch
- 6 Bücher
- 87
It has always been hard for me to write about myself. When I get done, I read it back through, and erase it. This time I won’t. My name is Kristiana. Words to me… are like water. I try to make it so that every drop of my writing is crisp and pure, every word is chosen carefully, and I review it countless times to... mehr lesen
- 50 Jahre
- Englisch
I am 38 years old and a proud mother of two children a 15 year old daughter named Desiree and an 9 year old son named Dustin. I am and have been engaged to a wonderful man named Matt for 5 years.
klaus ky
- Deutsch
- 30 Bücher
- 249
Ich bin Autor von Novellen, Romanen, Essays, Sachbüchern und modernen Schreibgestaltungen über die Philosophie hinaus. Möchte vieles schreiben, was noch nicht geschrieben steht. Vor allem Futurismen begeistern mich. Schließe momentan gerade das 21ste Jahrhundert ab. Und komme zu dem trügerischen Schluss, dass ich... mehr lesen
- Englisch
- 1 Buch
- 8
I'm the daughter of two teachers, one of whom even owned a bookstore as well during 40 years of teaching English. Reading was my lifeblood growing up, and expanded my world with mysteries, adventures and true tales.
- Englisch
- 11 Bücher
- 425
Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. --William Jennings Bryan